
Shanthiniketan Group of Institutions, B.M. Road, Vivekanandanagar, Ramanagara, Karnataka - 562159

Contact Number

+91 98453 56886 /
+918147 172660

Email IDs



  • Self-discipline is the forte of the school.
  • The school begins at 9:00 am for the students. All students are expected to reach school before the bell rings. After 9:05 am the school gates will be closed. The school dispersal is at 3:35 pm.
  • Students should maintain cleanliness and hygiene within the school campus. Littering is prohibited.
  • Students should observe polite civil behavior. Ragging, screaming or use of unparliamentary language is forbidden.
  • Shanthiniketan constitutes a family of students from various communities, religious and linguistic groups. The medium of instruction and communication is English on the school campus.
  • The school is not responsible for any loss of student’s belongings in the premises.
  • Under no pretext should a student miss any teaching/games/activity period. Participation in all school programs, events, and activities is compulsory for all students.
  • Students are expected to move quietly, in a single file without causing any disturbance to other classes.
  • Students should not remain in the classroom during break time without a written request from their parents. They should also not leave the premises during the school working hours.


We expect our students to maintain high standards of personal conduct. This includes personal honesty, discipline, integrity, humility, ethics, and values. Students are accountable to the school authorities for their conduct on the school premises, for their general behavior outside, while in the school transport, and at all school-approved events or activities. Any objectionable conduct on the part of the student will lead to commensurate consequences, at the discretion of the Principal, whose decision on such matters is final.

The following undesirable behavior/repeated indiscipline will lead to serious consequences:

  • Damaging school furniture, fixtures/building, or belongings.
  • Graffiti on the walls/school furniture/library books.
  • Obscenity in the use of words or acts and indulging in uncivilized behavior.
  • Irregular attendance.
  • Scribbling or writing anything on the school uniform.
  • Bullying, gossiping, playing pranks, or using any form of physical/emotional violence against a fellow student.
  • Insubordination to any member of the staff inside or outside the school.
  • Using unfair means during a test/examination.
  • Indulging in any misbehaviour/misdeed directly or online which could be derogatory to the institution or any person.
  • Closely monitor your ward’s progress by checking the school almanac every day and paying attention to their punctuality, discipline, and submission of school assignments. Parents are requested to use the space provided in the almanac for any communication with the teachers.
  • Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in academics, co-curricular activities, and sports.
  • Inform the school if there is any change in address, telephone numbers, and bus route.
  • Ensure that your ward does not bring expensive items, electronic items, cell phones, etc., or large sums of money to school. The school bag should be randomly checked to ensure the same.
  • Restrict pocket money to a minimum.
  • Explain to the child the need to look after his/her belongings. The school does not accept responsibility for any item lost in school. All articles belonging to the child should have identification details.
  • Ensure that your ward is in proper school uniform. No fancy jewelry like danglers, trinkets, studs, rings, etc. should be worn by girls/boys.
  • Support and cooperate with the school authorities in enforcing discipline by making sure that your children attend school regularly, do the assignments, devote sufficient time to reading and revising their lessons at home, and take an interest in all the activities of the school.
  • Keep ‘leave for half a day’ to a minimum as far as possible. In case of an emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal/class teacher. In case a child leaves the school early, it is mandatory to inform the bus in charge about the same.
  • Ensure that during your ward’s absence from school, work done in the class is made up for.
  • Provide a supportive value-based environment to your ward at home. Using discretion and parental judgment, keep track of your ward’s mental health and emotions.
  • Monitor the internet sites being visited by your ward and limit television viewing to appropriate programs.
  • Avoid private tuition without the permission of the Principal. The Principal, when it is found necessary, may advise parents to provide remedial measures for students who need personal coaching.
  • Sign the corrected answer scripts of assessments that are sent home and return them to the school within three days of the date of issue.
  • Sign in blue or black ink all the reports, notices, and class work/books of your ward when required to do so.
  • Discourage your ward to take leave before the commencement of examinations as these days are important as far as preparation is concerned.
  • Avoid any kind of criticism of the child’s teacher or the school in his/her presence as children may lose respect for their teachers and consequently fail to learn from them.
  • Be formally dressed when you are on the school premises.
  • Library books will be issued to the students during the library period. The books have to be maintained properly, underlining or personal notes shall not be permitted. In case the book is misused, wrongly handled, or lost the person concerned will have to replace the book or pay the current price along with the fine (10/- per day).

Note: Cell phones are strictly not permitted within the school premises (Statutory provision). However for the security and safety of your ward, in case carrying a mobile phone is considered a necessity, then a written request giving reason for the same should be forwarded to the school. In case of favourable consideration, the student will be required to deposit the mobile with the office.