Beyond Academics


At Shanthiniketan Group of Institutions, we offer a diverse and vibrant range of sports activities, fostering a culture of physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship among our students. Our state-of-the-art sports facilities cater to various interests and skill levels, ensuring that every student finds an activity that resonates with them.

For those who prefer outdoor sports, we have expansive grounds and courts for games such as football, cricket, basketball, volleyball, and ko-ko. Our expert coaches work with students to enhance their skills, instill a sense of discipline, and promote physical fitness.

Overall, our sports program at Shanthiniketan Group of Institutions aims to nurture well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also embrace a healthy and active lifestyle, equipping them with valuable skills and experiences that will serve them well throughout their lives.


Overall Development via Sports

At Shanthiniketan, we recognize the importance of sports in overall development, and our sports activities are an integral part of our curriculum. We believe that sports not only promote physical health but also teach valuable life lessons such as teamwork, resilience, and leadership.

Indoor and Outdoor sports

Our sports program includes both indoor and outdoor sports, allowing students to explore their athletic talents. For indoor sports enthusiasts, we have well-equipped facilities for activities like table tennis, badminton, chess, and carrom, providing opportunities for friendly competitions and skill development.

Inter-school and District-level competitions

Our commitment to sports extends beyond the campus, as we actively participate in inter-school and district-level competitions, providing our students with opportunities to showcase their talent and represent our institution with pride.

Athletics, Track and Field Events

Additionally, we encourage students to participate in athletics, track and field events, and other fitness-related activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle and excel in regional and national-level competitions.

National Festivities

At Shanthiniketan Group of Institutions, the spirit of Indian nationalism is celebrated fervently through a series of significant events that instill a deep sense of patriotism among our students. From commemorating Constitution Day, Independence Day, and Republic Day to actively participating in the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, our institution embraces these occasions with utmost enthusiasm. These celebrations serve as platforms for our students to connect with their heritage and understand the significance of the nation’s journey towards freedom and democratic values.

One of the highlights of these celebrations is the showcase of talent during events like dance performances and march-past competitions. It is with immense pride that we announce our students’ consistent achievements in winning the best dance and march-past awards at the district level. These accomplishments not only reflect their discipline and dedication but also epitomize the unity and team spirit that our institution fosters.

At Shanthiniketan, we believe in nurturing a sense of patriotism that goes beyond textbooks. Through these celebrations, we aim to cultivate a deep love for our country and its values in our students’ hearts. By actively participating in these events and witnessing the pride and joy they bring, our students understand their responsibility as citizens and ambassadors of a diverse and vibrant nation. These celebrations stand as a testament to our commitment to nurturing holistic individuals who embody the essence of Indian nationalism in all its glory.

Montessori Celebrations

At Shanthiniketan, our Montessori students are immersed in a world of vibrant and creative celebrations that enrich their learning journey. From the exuberant Red Day and calming Blue Day to embracing the warmth of Summer Day and the coziness of Winter Day, every moment is transformed into a joyful learning experience. These little explorers embark on exciting field trips to supermarkets, banks, ATMs, and fuel stations, where they grasp the basics of everyday life, fostering a practical understanding from an early age.

Krishna Janmashtami and Sankranti come alive through interactive activities like poster making, dress-ups, and matching food preparations, imparting valuable insights into our rich traditions.

Our approach extends to fostering cultural appreciation through the celebration of Indian festivals.

At Shanthiniketan, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who learn through joy, curiosity, and hands-on experiences, setting the stage for a lifetime of learning and exploration.

These celebrations not only ignite their creativity but also cultivate a strong sense of community and cultural understanding.

Freshers and Farewell Programs

Shanthiniketan Group of Institutions takes great pride in its cherished traditions of Freshers’ and Farewell Day celebrations, which are eagerly anticipated by students of Shanthiniketan PU College, Degree College, and Polytechnic College every year.

These traditions resonate with the essence of Shanthiniketan’s values – unity, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging. These events exemplify the institution’s commitment to creating a nurturing and supportive environment, where each student is celebrated and acknowledged for their unique journey.

Freshers' Day

The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the Shanthiniketan family with open arms. The senior students organize a vibrant and engaging event filled with music, dance, skits, and interactive games. It's a platform for freshmen to showcase their talents, be introduced to their peers and faculty, and establish new friendships. This day fosters a warm and inclusive atmosphere, setting the tone for an exciting educational journey ahead.

Farewell Day

As students progress through their academic journey, the Farewell Day is a bittersweet occasion to bid adieu to graduating students. It's a day of nostalgia, reflection, and celebration. The juniors plan heartfelt performances, speeches, and creative expressions to honor their seniors' contributions to the institution. It's a moment of joy mixed with a touch of emotion as students prepare to step into the next phase of their lives. Farewell Day is a culmination of shared memories, friendships, and the promise of future successes.

Eminent Personality Visits

Shanthiniketan Group of Institutions has been graced by a series of eminent personalities, leaving an indelible impact on student’s educational journey. Former Supreme Court Judge Santosh Hegde’s visit instilled a deep sense of legal awareness, fostering a profound understanding of the judicial system. Renowned Kannada author and professor Gururaj Karajagi’s presence enriched students with literary insights, expanding their intellectual horizons.

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The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the

Personality 1

The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the

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The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the

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The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the

Personality 1

The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the

Personality 1

The Freshers' Day marks the beginning of a new chapter for incoming students, welcoming them into the